Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012


纯洁、活泼、美丽的,她今天   是否将扑动陶醉的翅膀去撕破   这一片铅色的坚硬霜冻的湖波   阻碍展翅高飞的透明的冰川! 这大概记得是法国梅里美的《天鹅》,想起这首诗完全是因为某个地方。在我无以慰藉写下这些惨白无力的字句的同时,那些白与美的精灵,勇往直前的白鸟骑士正飞过高山和冰川,在金红色落日的余晖里,振翮高飞,飞过大湖,飞向远方...... Did I disappoint you or let you down?   是我让你感到失望还是令你消沉吗?   Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?   我应该感到深深内疚或让罪恶感包围吗?   Cause I saw the end before we'd begun.   因为我在我们开始之前就看到我们的结束。

Yes I saw you were blind
ed and I knew I had won.   是的,我看到你的迷失然后我得到了。So I took what's mine by eternal right.   于是我拿走了永远会属于我的一切。Took your soul out into the night.   带走你的灵魂到夜里来。

It may be over but it won't stop there,   也许这该结束了,不过它并不会就停止在那儿。I am here for you if you'd only care.   如果你在意的话,我一直在这里等着你。

You touched my heart you touched my soul.   你触碰我的心,触摸我的灵魂。You changed my life and all my goals.   你改变了我的生活且改变了我的人生轨迹。

And love is blind and that I knew when,   我知道爱在何时是盲目的。My heart was blinded by you.   我的爱因你而盲目。

I've kissed your lips and held your head.   我亲吻你的嘴唇,轻轻地扶着你的头。Shared your dreams and shared your bed.   和你共享梦与床。I know you well, I know your smell.   我知道你现在很好并且知晓你也同样知道。

I've been addicted to you.   我已完全沉溺于你。Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。

You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。

You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。

I am a dreamer but when I wake.   我是个作梦的人却醒了过来。You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.   你打碎了我的心灵,就如你带走我的梦。

And as you move on, remember me.   要是你往前走,请不要忘记我。Remember us and all we used to be.   记得我们,且记得我们的每件事。I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.   我看过你哭也看过你笑。

I've watched you sleeping for a while.   我也看过你入睡。I'd be the father of your child.   我也将要当过你小孩的父亲。

I'd spend a lifetime with you.   我付出了生命和你在一起。I know your fears and you know mine.   你我都知道彼此的恐惧。We've had our doubts but now we're fine.   曾经我们质疑过对方,现在一切都好。

And I love you, I swear that's true.   而且我爱你,不容质疑。I cannot live without you.   没有你我便活不下去。Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。

Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。

Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。And I still hold your hand in mine.   而我仍然握著你的手。

In mine when I'm asleep.   在我睡梦时。And I will bear my soul in time,   我会承受我的灵魂。

When I'm kneeling at your feet.   当我跪在你脚旁。Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。

Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。

Goodbye my lover.   再见了我的爱人。Goodbye my friend.   再见了我的朋友。You have been the one.   你曾经一度在那里。You have been the one for me.   你曾经为了我在那里。

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.   我是如此的空虚,亲爱的,我是如此空洞。I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.   我是如此的,如此的,如此的空洞。假如每一座山,每一湾水都有一个谁都不可说的名字,假如每一天都是春风和煦带走夜晚的忧伤,假如可以与你相逢在每一个日夜思念的时光静止.   You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.   你微笑着,没有对我说一句话,而我觉得,为了这个,我已经等待了很久。

青春就应该这样绽放 游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!! 你不得不信的星座秘密。

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